““If you have ever been out and about in NYC at a party where music is at the forefront, you are sure to have crossed paths with Rissa Garcia. Maybe you havent spoken to her, but that is because her energy is focused on the music and the moment. She lives dance music. She happens to be one of our favorite artists, and has played for us alongside Danny Krivit twice. But don’t let our opinions be your guide, trust the masters: Danny Krivit and Rissa team up yet again on January 29 at Slake in NYC. Another Danny that you may have heard of..Danny Tenaglia hand-picked Rissa to open for him at his famous ‘BOO Yourself‘ event at Output. In addition to be a phenomenal DJ, Rissa’s productions and remixes have been staples in our crates. She also runs Nightchild Records, which is consistently putting out a quality product”
-Forward Disco (Cielo NYC Residents)”